Why our minds are a mess, and what God did about it

Our disordered thoughts are just one example of the thousands of ways that our human sin nature still affects us to this day. In our heads, not understanding or revering the actual glory of God, we believe that we know better, so we try to re-write God’s intention toward us so that it fits our small misshapen box. 

I was rescued

My story is simple. But simple can be powerful. The truth is, I was dead in my sin: anxious, panicky, worried for the future, wound tightly up into myself. Believing Jesus and beginning to walk in his way, freed me from all the burdens I was trying to carry myself. Now I have incomprehensible, unimaginable, other-worldly peace. It's a peace only God can give. Life is still painful and tragedy remains unchanged, but with God, in Jesus, I can walk through anything unscathed.

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