
Hi! I’m Molly and I’m so grateful you’ve found my page.

Tea and Testimony was created at a time of great spiritual turmoil. In 2012 I was overwhelmed by the outpour of lessons and insight I was gaining. The understanding that I shouldn’t these lessons all to myself grew steadily until I could no longer shut out the call to write publicly.

As the years went on I discovered that in addition to my talent for writing, I also felt a deep and indescribable peace in the middle of crafting these small pieces of writing. Just as it was before, my purpose in writing continues to be to inspire and encourage my fellow believers in Jesus by sharing my learnings on the road of faith.

I am dedicated to creating Bible-based content that will encourage and inspire women to pursue God by knowing him better through his Word.

I am deeply humbled to know that others are reading and even gaining comfort from my work. Writing is life-giving to me on its own, but to write about pursuing God is the noblest work I can imagine. I love doing this and I pray that my words would be helpful to others seeking to discover all God has for them.

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