I was rescued

My story is simple. But simple can be powerful. The truth is, I was dead in my sin: anxious, panicky, worried for the future, wound tightly up into myself. Believing Jesus and beginning to walk in his way, freed me from all the burdens I was trying to carry myself. Now I have incomprehensible, unimaginable, other-worldly peace. It's a peace only God can give. Life is still painful and tragedy remains unchanged, but with God, in Jesus, I can walk through anything unscathed.

How to keep your faith strong in a secular work environment

Even with a heavenly calling on me, I can get caught up in sin in spite of myself. The line gets blurred constantly. Things like gossiping, grumbling against management decisions, or even participating in less-than-godly conversations just to fit in can knock me off course at work. So how do we maintain our purpose and razor sharp focus while the ruler of the world works to render us inefficient?

Witnessing without words

As a follower of Jesus, I know that we are commanded to “go and make disciples of all the nations”; this isn’t an option. However, for years I chose to ignore this command because, let’s face it. I care way too much what people think of me. I could never be that bold.

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