Why witness?

but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 1 Peter 3:15 I always read this verse as "always be prepared to give a lecture... Continue Reading →

Love came down on Christmas…

Dear friends, Thank you for subscribing to PureDisciple.org. We appreciate the support and are looking forward to a very exciting and busy 2016! Sending love and prayer to all... XOXO Love, the Pure Disciple Team ☃♡

Want to read Proverbs with us?

Dear friends, The beginning of the year can really feel like a drag sometimes. To me January feels like the Monday of months.  No more parties, no more presents, no more excuses to double on christmas cookies. It's back to reality and it's oh-so-bleak. That's why we wanted to do something extra special for our readers, to encourage and... Continue Reading →

What to do when a sermon tests your faith

  On my way home last night I decided to listen to a Christian radio channel. They usually air sermons which I like to listen to while driving. Some of my most profound thinking time happens in the driver's seat. However, last night I was surprised to encounter a message focusing on Nazis, Syrians, the wrath of God, and hellfire.... Continue Reading →

Survey time!

Click for survey>>> Readership Survey for PureDisciple Hi there friends! The new year is almost upon us and we here at PureDisciple are getting excited with several new projects in the works. Of course since this is a blog dedicated to sharing the truth of Jesus, we are interested to know what's going on with you, our... Continue Reading →

Is it a sin not to go to church?

The convenience of a streaming church service is a double-edged sword. Indispensable to those who cannot leave their bed, but a tool of temptation for the devil. I heard that whisper this morning: Why get up so early? It's cold and you deserve a break, and who will notice you anyway? Whether you go or stay won't... Continue Reading →

Sharing A Seed

Tonight I met up with a dear friend who lives abroad, but with whom things never seem to change no matter how long between visits. We shared the stories of the past 8 years of our lives over two enormous vanilla lattes. (I'm convinced that I could die happily in a cozy corner of a... Continue Reading →

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